The American Institute of Stress has released a new documentary, titled The Brain Electric: Healing Wave of the Future. The film, directed by Justin Smith, explores Alpha-Stim® technology and the ways in which it is being used worldwide by leading research organizations, the United Kingdom’s NHS, the U.S. Military, and others as an alternative to pharmaceuticals.


Alpha-Stim is an FDA cleared cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) device proven to treat anxiety, insomnia, depression, and pain. Its clinical and cost effectiveness, as well as its safety, surpasses that of medications, and it is backed by decades of research and results. As Alpha-Stim inventor Dr. Daniel L. Kirsch says, “the future of medicine is in biophysics, not in biochemistry.”

The Brain Electric explores not only Alpha-Stim’s impact on humans, but on animals as well. Dr. Ava Frick, Integrative Veterinarian and Veterinary Medical Director for Electromedical Products International, Inc. is interviewed in the film. She speaks about her trust in Alpha-Stim after years of impressive results, and how she has incorporated the device into her everyday practice. She has used Alpha-Stim to save the lives of countless animals who may otherwise have been put to sleep due to their pain. Says Dr. Frick, “If I was told I could only have one thing to save the most lives, it would definitely be Alpha-Stim, because I’ve seen so many miracles, and they continue to happen.”

Alpha-Stim has been proven time and again to safely and effectively relieve acute, post-traumatic, and chronic pain in all types of animals. Microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) is delivered through two handheld Smart Probes that allow you to bring relief directly to the site of your animal’s pain. Treatments are fast and painless, and relief is long lasting and often immediate. Additionally, Dr. Frick has developed species-specific treatment protocols to help you maximize results in your pet.

For the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and depression, two earclip electrodes deliver cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) to the brain. Tiny currents of electricity, in a unique and patented waveform, restore balance to your animal’s brainwaves. This is used to treat fear and anxiety in animals, from causes such as thunderstorms or being separated from their owners. Anxiety can also arise in animals that have been sick or in pain. Although Alpha-Stim CES treatments take just 20 minutes to conduct, relief is long-lasting and results are cumulative over time. The more you use Alpha-Stim, the less you’ll need to. On top of that, many animals enter a state of complete calm and relaxation during their sessions.

Alpha-Stim is backed by more than 100 clinical research studies, and decades of experience. It is an ideal alternative to pain medications – not only because of the lack of scary side effects, but also because of the recent changes in veterinary guidelines for reducing opioid use in animals. There is no risk of overuse with Alpha-Stim, and no danger to your animal if treatments are done incorrectly.

To watch the documentary and see Dr. Frick talk about her successes with Alpha-Stim, click here!


About Alpha-Stim®

Alpha-Stim is an FDA cleared, handheld medical device that has been proven time and again to effectively treat acute, post traumatic, and chronic pain, as well as anxiety, insomnia, and depression.

Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) is delivered through a patented waveform via two earclip electrodes to treat anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) delivers pain relief directly to the source of an animal’s discomfort via two handheld Smart Probes.

The effectiveness of Alpha-Stim is backed by over 100 independent clinical research studies. It is the most popular medical device used at home in the treatment and elimination of pain, anxiety, and stress-related disorders in animals. Alpha-Stim is recommended and relied upon by Dr. Ava Frick, the leading authority in veterinary microcurrent therapy.

Alpha-Stim is easy to use at home or in clinic, and treatments last mere minutes. Relief is long lasting and often immediate, and results are cumulative – unlike with medications, your patients will require fewer and fewer treatments over time. Alpha-Stim is available by prescription in the United States and over-the-counter in other countries. To offer Alpha-Stim therapy at your veterinary practice, click here to buy now!