CES & MET Research

For a complete bibliography of clinical research studies on Alpha-Stim for pain, anxiety, insomnia, and depression, visit alpha-stim.com.


Clark, Nancy, Mills, Daniel, Marchant, Jeremy. Evaluation of the potential efficacy of the Alpha-Stim SCS in the Horse. DeMontfort University Equestrian Centre and Field Station, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. 2002.

Sizer P, Sawyer S, Brismee J, Jones K*, Bruce J*, Slauterbeck J., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and *University Medical Center, Lubbock, Texas, USA. The Effect of Microcurrent Stimulation on Postoperative Pain After Patellar Tendon-Bone Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana; June, 2000. Download abstract

Culp, L.P., Skarda, R.T. and Muir, W.W. Comparisons of the effects of acupuncture, electroacupuncture, and transcutaneous cranial electrical stimulation on the minimum alveolar concentration of isoflurane in dogs. Am J Vet Res. 66(8):1364-70, 2005.

Robert, Claude, Limoge, Aymé and Stinus, Luis. Transcranial electrical stimulation (Limoge’s currents) potentiates the inhibition of righting reflex induced by droperidol in rats. Brain Research. 822(10-2):132-141, 1999. (France)

Little, Bert and Patterson, Margaret A. Embryofetal effects of neuroelectric therapy (NET). Electro and Magnetobiology. 15(1):1-8, 1996.

Mantz, J., Azerad, J., Limoge, A. and Desmonts, J.M. Transcranial electrical stimulation with Limoge’s currents decreases halothane requirements in rats. Evidence for the involvement of endogenous opioids. Anesthesiology. 76:253-60, 1992.

Krupisky, E.M., Katznelson, Ya.S., Lebedev, V.P., Flood, N.V., Patterson, M.A., Lipton, J.M. and Kozlowski, G.P. Transcranial electrostimulation (TES) of brain opioid structures (BOS): experimental treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) and clinical application. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 10-15, 1991.

Dougherty, P.M., Dong, W.Q., Faillace, L.A. and Dafny, N. Transcranial electrical stimulation attenuates abrupt morphine withdrawal in rats assayed by remote computerized quantification of multiple motor behavior indices. Eur J Pharmacol. 175:187-95, 1990. (Netherlands)

Stinus, Louis, Auriacombe, Marc, Tignol, Jean, Limoge, Aimé and Le Moal, Michel. Transcranial electrical stimulation with high frequency intermittent current (Limoge’s) potentiates opiate-induced analgesia: blind studies. Pain. 42(3):351-363, 1990.

Warner, R., Hudson-Howard, L., Johnston, C. and Skolnick, M. Serotonin involvement in analgesia induced by transcranial electrostimulation. Life Sciences. 46:1131-8, 1990.

Wilson, O.B., Hamilton, R.F., Warner, R.L., Johnston, C.M., deFriece, R., Harter, L., Schweitzer, C., Talaverra, J., Hymel, C.M. and Skolnick, M.H. The influence of electrical variables on analgesia produced by low current transcranial electrostimulation of rats. Anesth Analg. 68:673-81, 1989.

Capel, I.D., Pinnock, M.H., Withey, N.J., Williams, D.C. and Patterson, M.A. The effect of electrostimulation on barbituate-induced sleeping times in rats. Drug Development Research, 2:73-79, 1982.

Capel, I.D., Williams, D.C., Davey, R.W. and Patterson, M.A.. Amelioration of restraint stress by electrostimulation. IRCS Medical Science: Biochemistry, Environmental Biology and Medicine, Nervous System, Pharmacology, Psychology and Psychiatry. 7:634, 1979.

Hornstein, S.R., Filho, R.A., Toledo, M. and Spirck, C.N. Preliminary data on a new method for lithium therapy. Rev Bras Pesqui Med Biol. 10:249-54, 1977. (Brazil)

Jordan, Eric J. and Morris, David. Evaluation of the electrosleep machine. Diseases of the Nervous System. 36(12):661-665, 1975.

Richter, Ward R., Zouhar, Raymond L., Tatsuno, Jiro, Smith, Robert H. and Cullen, Stuart C. Electron microscopy of the macaca mulatta brain after repeated applications of electric current. Anesthesiology. 36(4):374-377, 1972.

Reigel, D.H., Larson, Sanford J., Sances Jr., Anthony, Christman, Norbert, Dallmann, Donald and Henschel, Ernest O. Effects of electrosleep currents on gastric physiology. In Reynolds, David V. and Sjoberg, Anita (Eds.) Neuroelectric Research. Springfield, Charles Thomas. 24:226-229, 1971.

Pozos, Robert S., Richardson, Alfred W. and Kaplan, Harold M. Electroanesthesia: A proposed physiologic mechanism. In Reynolds, David V. and Anita Sjoberg (Eds.) Neuro-electric Research. Charles Thomas, Springfield, Pp. 110-113, 1971.

Singh, Baldev, Chhina, G.S., Anand, B.K., Bopari, M.S. and Neki, J.S. Sleep and consciousness mechanism with special reference to electrosleep. Armed Forces Medical Journal India (New Delhi). 27(3):292-297, 1971.

Zuperku, E.J., Hosek, R.S., Larson, Sanford J., Reigel, D.H., Sances Jr, Anthony and Henschel, Ernest O. Studies during electrotherapeutic sleep. In Reynolds, David V. and Anita Sjoberg (Eds.) Neuroelectric Research. Charles Thomas, Springfield, Pp. 235- 241, 1971.

Austen, Burton G. Current distribution in subcortical regions of the cat’s brain during electrosleep. In Reynolds, David V. and Anita Sjorberg (Eds), Neuroelectric Research. Springfield, Charles Thomas. 28:262-266, 1971.

Pozos, Robert S., Strack, L.E., White, R.K. and Richardson, Alfred W. Electrosleep versus electroconvulsive therapy. In Reynolds, David V. and Sjoberg, Anita E. (Eds), Neuroelectric Research. Charles Thomas: Springfield, 23:221-225, 1971.

Jarzembski, William B., Larson, Sanford J. and Sances Jr, Anthony. Evaluation of specific cerebral impedance and cerebral current density. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 170:476-490, 1970.

Reigel, D.H., Dallmann, D.E., Christman, N.T., Hamilton, L.H., Zuperku, E.J., Henschel, E.O., Larson, S.J., and Sances Jr, A. Physiological effects of electrotherapeutic currents in the primate and man. In Wageneder, F.M., and St. Schuy (Eds.), Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia. Vol. II, Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica, Pp. 158-165, 1970.

Tatsuno, Jiro, Marsoner, Hermann J. and Fukuda, Hiroshi. The effects of diffuse currents on focal epileptic discharges. In Wageneder, F.M. and St. Schuy (Eds.) Electrotherap-eutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia. Vol. II, Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica, Pp. 93-101, 1970.

Wulfsohn, N.L. and Waldron, L. The importance of trains of current producing electrosleep. In Wageneder, F. M. and St. Schuy (Eds.), Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia. Vol. II, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, Pp. 212-216, 1970.

Wilson, A.S., Reigel, D., Unger, G.F., Larson, S.J. and Sances Jr., A. Gastric secretion before and after electrotherapeutic sleep in executive monkeys. In Wageneder, F.M. and St. Schuy (Eds.), Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia. Vol. II, Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica, Pp. 198-206, 1970.

Sommer, H. and Kriebel, J. Neuropathological investigations of electrosleep in animal experiments (Rabbits). In Wageneder, F.M. and St. Schuy (Eds.) Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia. Vol. II, Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica, Pp. 169-174, 1970.

Titaeva, M.A. Changes in the functional state of the central nervous system under the influence of a pulse current as used in electrosleep. In Wageneder, F.M. and St. Schuy (Eds.) Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanaesthesia. International Congress Series, No. 136. Excerpta Medica Foundation, Amsterdam, Pp. 175-180, 1967.

Siegesmund, K.A., Sances Jr, A. and Larson, S.J. The effects of electrical currents on synaptic vesicles in monkey cortex. In Wageneder, F.M. and St. Schuy (Eds.), Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanaesthesia. International Congress Series No. 136. Excerpta Medica Foundation, Amsterdam, Pp. 31-33, 1967.

Pocta, J., Lebl, M. and Hanka, R. The autonomic and stress reactions during electrosleep. In Wageneder, F.M and St. Schuy (Eds) Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanaesthesia. International Congress series, No. 136. Excerpta Medica Foundation, Amsterdam, Pp. 342-344, 1967.

Geddes, L.A., Hoff, H.E. and McCrady, J.D. Electroanesthesia in the horse. In Wageneder, F.M. and St. Schuy (Eds). Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanaesthesia. International Congress Series No. 136. Excerpta Medica Foundation, Amsterdam, Pp. 73-80, 1967.



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Teh-Ching Chu, Potter DE. Evidence that Microcurrent has a Neuro-protective effect in the treatment of glaucoma. J Oc Pharm and Ther, Vol. 8, No4, 2002; 293-305.